quarta-feira, 11 de junho de 2008

Veja meu Slide Show!

5 comentários:

Blog da 3ª Série do Ensino Médio disse...

Hello Leo!
How are you?
I'm fine.
Your slide is very good.
I like play cards,too. But I play with computer.
You asked me if I like dogs. Yes, I like very much dogs. I have 5 dogs.
Teacher Célia

Débora Lisiane Carneiro disse...
Este comentário foi removido por um administrador do blog.
Unknown disse...

Hi Leo! Your slides are very nice! You can draw very well! I am an English teacher in São Paulo and found your blog at Nova Escola Magazine. Great job!

Blog da Betty disse...

Hello Leo!!!

I like your blog!!!

You are very creative!!

Good Luck for you, Betty!

newteacherzu disse...

How are you doing?
I have seen your blog. I am a school teacher, and I love my students...I congratulate you and your teacher on creating this blog!
Ps> write to me

I am creating a blog for my students too